It is a diagnostic test to document the blood circulation of the Retina and Choroid through the use of a contrast (fluorescein) administered in an arm vein followed by rapid sequence of photographs to the eye fund.
Fluorescein is a non-toxic, highly fluorescent molecule that can be safely used in the majority of patients. For this reason, this exam is practically free of risks and complications.
Fluorescein AngiographyIt is a diagnostic test to document the blood circulation of the Retina and Choroid through the use of a contrast agent (Green of Indocyanine) administered in an arm vein, followed by rapid sequence of photographs to the eye fund.
Angiography with Green of IndocyanineExam to evaluate the retinal metabolism, without using any pigment injection. It's indicated in diagnosis of retinal genetic and hereditary diseases.
AutofluorescenceA more recent and accurate exam that performs the necessary measurements, for calculation the ideal intraocular lens, to use in patients proposed for cataract surgery.
Biometry with Intraocular Lens-Power CalculationNoninvasive exam, allowing us to analyze the morphology of the endothelial cells and count them, evaluate the shape, number, size and corneal thickness.
Specular BiomicroscopyIncludes the study of the design, manufacture and adaptation of contact lenses. Its purpose is to select the best option for each patient.
ContactologyExam performed to evaluate oculomotor paralysis, thus diagnosing paralysis or eye muscle injuries.
Écran d’ HessExam using ultrasounds to measure the eye axial length and the depth of the anterior chamber.
Ecography -
Electrophysiology aims at the functional investigation of vision, through electrical potentials originated in the visual channel, through electro-retinography, potentials evoked and electro-oculography.
Electrophysiology (ERG, PEV, EOG)It studies the normality or abnormality of the individual's perception of colors. Important in diseases of the optic nerve and retina.
Chromatic Vision StudyPhotograph of the external ocular aspects, using a digital camera, to record clinical cases and follow the pathological evolution.
Photograph of external eye partsPhotograph of the previous segment performed with a slit lamp, to record clinical cases and follow the pathological evolution.
Previous Segment PhotographyA vision exam that uses a special lens to study the eye angle of the anterior chamber, where drainage of the aqueous humor is performed (fluid filling the anterior chamber).
GonioscopyCurrently it's the most used technique in the treatment of various retina diseases. Its purpose is to keep the retina in position, thus avoiding detachment. Includes medications such as: Avastin; Lucentis; Macugen; Ozurdex; Triamcinolone; Eylea.
Intravitreal Injections of AntiangiogenicsUsed to perform a type of treatment called Photocoagulation, it uses a strong light source, with a defined wavelength to coagulate tissues - the light energy produced by the laser is absorbed by the tissue we're treating.
Laser Argon -
Surgical technique that aims to safely, effectively and painlessly, treat the opacification of the posterior lens capsule.
Laser YagTreatment indicated in cases of ocular hypertension and/or glaucoma. It's effective in 80% - 85% of the cases, with an average reduction of 20% - 25% of the initial intraocular pressure (PIO), or 6 – 9 mmHg. It's a more effective option in patients with poor adherence to medicine therapy.
SLT LaserLaser refractive surgery (LASIK) is the most advanced technique for correcting refractive errors, namely in myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.
LASIKOCT is an exam that allows us to globally study the papilla, it uses light waves to take cross-section pictures, allowing to see each of the retina’s distinctive layers. The examination is quick and painless.
OCT - Glaucoma Optical Coherence TomographyOCT is an exam that allows us to globally study the retina, it uses light waves to take cross-section pictures, allowing to see each of the retina’s distinctive layers. The examination is quick and painless.
OCT - Retina Optical Coherence TomographyIt's a noninvasive exam performed with the pupil dilation. The pupil, when dilated, allows a greater retina field vision. The procedure is painless.
In addition to the indirect ophthalmoscope, the ophthalmologist uses a lens, capable of counteracting the refractive cornea power, which increases the retina field vision. These lenses have different refractive powers (or "degrees").
INDIRECT OPHTHALMOSCOPYExamin performed, to analyze the existence of ocular motility variation (movement of the eyes) and to carry out the appropriate treatment.
OrtopticsExam that determines, through ultrasound emission, the cornea thickness. This determination is fundamental in implant-refractive corneal surgery.
Pachymetry -
Consists of the systematic measurement of the visual field, through measurements moving test stimulus with constant luminance. It's based on the determination of light sensitivity coming from various directions, detecting, evaluating and characterizing retina diseases, optical nerve and optical channel (example: glaucoma, neurological diseases, etc.).
Kinetic PerimetryConsists of the systematic measurement of the visual field, through measurements, using a perimeter that generates fixed test stimulus with variable luminances, within a defined test pattern. It's based on the determination of light sensitivity coming from various directions, detecting, evaluating and characterizing retina diseases, optical nerve and optical channel (example: glaucoma, neurological diseases, etc.).
Computerized PerimetryImaging exam that photographs the eye fundus areas, like the retina, the choroid, the optic nerve and the blood vessels.
RetinographyThe aim of sub-vision is to rehabilitate visual pathologies, in individuals with decreased visual response, thus improving their visual residues, attenuating visual fatigue, promoting and facilitating autonomy in their daily lives.Sub-visionPhotodynamic Therapy with Visudyne is a minimally invasive procedure, performed in ambulatory, which consists in the intravenous administration of a photosensitising drug (Visudyne) for treating clinical cases such as sub-retinal neovascularization, age-related macular degeneration, high myopia and other inflammatory, traumatic or degenerative situations.
Photodynamic Therapy with VisudyneA noninvasive imaging technique for mapping the corneal surface curvature, the outer eye structure.
Corneal TopographyConsists in the application of Pulsed Light to stimulate the functioning of the Meibomius Glands. The Pulsed Light treatment was developed in France and Switzerland, using devices for several years to treat skin diseases (such as Rosacea) through the same concept.
Dry Eye Treatment
Exams and Treatments