Dry Eye

Dry Eye

The Dry Eye is one of the most frequent pathologies in Ophthalmology, being estimated that 14 to 33% of the world population suffers from this disease; one of the main causes of medical appointments in Ophthalmology. Its prevalence increases with age, is more frequent in women, and has a direct impact on multiple activities (work and leisure).

Dry Eye is caused by a lacrimal production deficit or by excessive evaporation of the produced tears; the last is the main factor, in about 75% of patients, and is due to Meibomius Gland Dysfunction.

Very recently a new treatment has been introduced through the application of Pulsed Light to stimulate the best functioning of the Meibomius Glands. The treatment is painless, does not require preparation and it's divided into 3 sessions, each with 10 minutes of duration.